Jun's UTAU Voicebank: Bright & Dark
A downloadable voicebank for Windows
I'm glad you're interested in downloading Jun's UTAU Voicebank! For now there's only two languages and two versions: Bright and Dark.
The difference between Bright and Dark
Bright is supposed to have a clearer voice since the samples were EQ'd. The Dark one doesn't have modifications on her voice samples.
You should download Ameya/Ayame's UTAU software beforehand since it will just work on this software. And you must change your system locale for Japan and you region format for Japanese so they will be working properly.
Japanese Voicebank Usage
You can use it as a VCV and a CVVC voicebank. It has some extra features the other voicebanks don't have such as EXvoice files, vocal fry recordings and glottal stops.
Brazilian Portuguese Voicebank Usage
It has a brand new reclist method inspired by PaintedCz's VCCV. Its phonology was based on Thaïs Cristófaro Silva's Fonética e Fonologia do Português: roteiro de estudos e guia de exercícios from Editora Contexto (2001).
The table below lists the vowels used on the reclist, have in mind it's supposed to cover most Brazilian accents then one person might not pronounce the same as the other. The list is based on the page 153 from Silva's book:
UTAU | IPA | Portuguese Usage Examples | English Approximate Word |
a | a | [a]ve, pi[a]da, ali[a]. | [a]fter |
e | e | [e]le, co[e]lho, fuzu[e]. | wh[e]n |
i | i | [i]da, ju[i]zado, hava[i]. | s[ee] |
o | o | [o]vo, le[o]a, pare[o]. | b[o]wl |
u | u | [u]til, gra[u]do, ba[u]. | y[ou] |
a' | ə | olimpí[a']da, di[a']. | [a]bout |
e' | ɛ | [e']ra, po[e']ta, obo[e']. | l[e]t |
i' | ɪ | perdo[i']. | s[i]ck |
o' | ɔ | h[o']ra, cari[o']ca, curi[o']. | l[o]ck |
u' | ʊ | perí[u']do, páti[u']. | b[oo]k |
a~ | ã | [a~]njo, adi[a~]nta, suti[a~]. | Japanese: [an]ta (あんた) |
e~ | ẽ | [e~]ntre, co[e~]ntro. | wh[en] |
i~ | ĩ | [i~]ndio, Co[i~]mbra, Ca[i~]m. | s[een] |
o~ | õ | [o~]nde, a[o~]nde. | [on]ward |
u~ | ũ | [u~]m, ori[u~]ndo, pi[u~]m. | racc[oon] |
The table below will list the consonants:
UTAU | IPA | Portuguese Usage Examples | English Approximate Word |
b | b | Boca | Bowl (unaspirated) |
d | d | Dado | Doll (unaspirated) |
dj | dʒ | Arde | Jet |
f | f | Faca | Fork |
g | g | Gato | Goal |
h | h | Carro (Suave, igual japonês) | Have |
j | ʒ | Joia | Genre |
k | k | Conto | Car (unaspirated) |
l | l | Lápis | Look |
lh | ʎ | Alho | Spanish (?): Lloro |
m | m | Mato | Master |
n | n | Nada | Nothing |
nh | ɲ | Banho | Canyon |
p | p | Parar | Pack (unaspirated) |
r | r | Caro | Spanish: Pero |
rr | χ | Carro (Raspado, igual carioca) | French (?): Jota (χɔta) |
rrr | r | Perro (Espanhol) | Spanish: Perro |
wr | ɹ | Porta (Americanizado, igual mineiro) | Sort |
s | s | Sapo | Sick |
t | t | Tatu | Time (unaspirated) |
tch | tʃ | Tchau | Check |
v | v | Visão | Vision |
w | w | Aula | Crow |
x | ʃ | Chato | Shock |
y | y | Saia | Jay |
z | z | Sósia | Zebra |
For now it's all there is to it! Its usage is similar to PaintedCz's English.
Commercial Usage
As of now you should ask for permission from CatMoun to use it commercially. In the future you should be able to buy a commercial license.
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